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Register Training – Food & Beverage
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Efficient Tips Management

This instructional video is designed to guide viewers through managing tips using the Club Caddie software. The tutorial starts with the ‘Tip Manager’ function, where tips are added manually for each transaction. The video explains how to apply a tip to a single transaction or divide a tip between multiple transactions or employees, for instance, in case of split transactions involving different payment methods. Moving on to the ‘Shared Tips’ tool, the video shows how staff can log their cash tips and share them with other employees. It also explains the ‘Tips Ledger,’ which tracks all tip transactions and can be used for payroll purposes. The final part of the video covers the ‘Tip Summary,’ an administrative view of all tip details for a given day, including the option to download this data as an Excel spreadsheet. This tutorial teaches viewers how to efficiently manage and distribute tips among their team using Club Caddie.

Additional Information in Club Caddie Knowledge Base