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Tee sheet Roles
Tee Sheet Settings
Utilizing Club Caddie’s tee sheet, you can book tee times over the phone, in person, online or optionally by utilizing a third party tee time distributor partner like PGA Tee Times, Golfback, Supreme Golf, or GolfNow. We designed and developed the Tee Time Management specifically for the golf club experience. Book tee times for today, next year, next decade. No matter the type of tee time, no matter how or when it is booked, Club Caddie’s golf course management technology is equipped to keep your tee sheet organized. 
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In this section of the permissions, you are able to give certain roles access to see the following in addition to the tee sheet:

Acces to see the Distribution Engine

The Distribution Engine is a tool that allows a user to see selected rates by class and/or time. Its a great tool to be able to quote rates over the phone.

Access to see the Heat Map

The Heat Map is a tool that allows a user to quickly see the tee sheet at a glance and what is available. It only shows open and blocked cells without the details of the booking.

They are able to Manage Blocks

This allows the user to be able to create, edit and delete blocks on the tee sheet.

Access to see the Rate Map

The Rate Map give the user a quick glance at the lowest and the highest rate for the date they are on the tee sheet. Its another tool that allows the user to give a quick rate over the phone.

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